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Northwestern University is home to one of the most respected, well-known clinical speech language pathology (SLP) programs in the world.  With world-renowned research faculty, extraordinary clinical faculty, a state of the art clinic, and a progressive curriculum, NU develops exceptional clinicians prepared to provide stellar, evidence-based services to individuals nationally and internationally. At NU, our faculty – both clinical and teaching – are committed to keeping a proverbial finger on the pulse of all aspects of current and future practice in the field. We are incredibly fortunate to have a strong history of integration of SLP and many other fields.  Our program has thoroughly integrated the fields of learning disabilities, developmental psychology, neuroscience, and auditory neuroscience as evidenced by our tenure track faculty’s substantial grants and thriving labs.

The CSD department currently administers the clinical master’s program in Speech, Language, and Learning (MS SLL), the clinical doctorate in speech language pathology (SLP-D), the clinical doctorate program in audiology (AuD), and the PhD in CSD.  CSD has a long-standing history of graduating exceptional clinical speech-language pathologists and audiologists as well as researchers.