Stacy Kaplan is an associate clinical professor and the director of the MS (SLP) and SLPD programs at Northwestern University. The mission of both her teaching and scholarship is the disruption of CSD education in service of our current & future learners, our field, & the people we serve. In the classroom, she seeks to contribute to the development of science-based, critically-thinking, creative, and compassionate clinicians and CSD educators. Broadly speaking, her research focuses on (1) pedagogical and curricular innovation and (2) approaches to faculty development as they relate to the development of CSD professionals from first exposure to the field through the development of clinical specialists and scholars. She directs the Advancing CSD Education (ACE) lab.
Stacy has been directing programs in higher education since 2000 and currently directs both the master’s and clinical doctorate degree programs in speech-language pathology (MS SLL and SLPD). Prior to her work in academia, Kaplan was an acute care SLP at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago and Methodist Hospital in Gary, Ind.